Helper Classes

Float Classes
Class Description
.float-left Element to the left (float:left).
.float-right Element to the right(float:right).
.float-none Clear float.(float-none)
.float-*-* Responsive Classes float-*: * -- xl, lg, md, sm, xs float-*-*: * -- none, left, right e.g. float-lg-right
.clearfix To clear floated content within a container by adding a clearfix utility
Text Color Classes
Class Description
.text-muted Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris nibh.
.text-primary Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.
.text-success Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris nibh.
.text-info Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.
.text-warning Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris nibh.
.text-danger Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.

General Classes
Class Description
To add ellipsis use this class (text:truncate). To show
Non-underlined link (text:decoration-none).
Text Alignment
Class Description
.text-left Element to the left (text:left).
Element to the right(text:right).
Center Element (text:center).
.text-*-* Responsive Classes text-*: * -- xl, lg, md, sm, xs text-*-*: * -- none, left, right e.g. text-lg-right

Text Transformation
Class Description
To lowercase text (text:lowercase).
To uppercase text (text:uppercase).
To capitalize text (text:capitalize).
.text-*-* Responsive Classes text-*: * -- xl, lg, md, sm, xs text-*-*: * -- none, left, right e.g. text-lg-right
Font Weight
Class Description
.font-weight-light Font weight will be light (300).
.font-weight-lighter Font weight will be lighter (100).
.font-weight-normal Font weight will be normal
.font-weight-bold Font weight will be bold (700)
.font-weight-bolder Font weight will be bolder (900)
.font-italic To italic text

Display Classes
Class Description
To hide element (d:none)
.d-inline To inline element (d:inline)
.d-inline-block To inline element (d:inline-block)
To show element (d:block)
To flex element (d:flex)
To flex element (d:inline-flex)
.d-table To create block as table (d:table)
.d-table-cell To display element as cell (d:table-cell)
.d-table-row To display element as row (d:table-row)
.d-*-* Responsive Classes d-*: * -- xl, lg, md, sm, xs d-*-*: * -- none, block, flex, inline-flex, inline-block, inline, table, table-row, table-cell e.g. d-lg-none
Justify and align items Classes
Class Description
To left element (justify:content-start)
To right element (justify:content-end)
To center element (justify:content-center)
To equally divide spacing (justify:content-between)
To give some spacing around element (justify:content-around)
To Top element (align:items-start)
To Bottom element (align:items-end)
To center element (align:items-center)
To equally divide spacing (align:items-baseline)
To give some spacing around element (align:items-stretch)
.justify-content-*-* .align-items-*-* Responsive Classes justify-content-*: * -- xl, lg, md, sm, xs justify-content-*-*: * -- start, end, center, between, around e.g. justify-content-lg-end align-items-*-*: * -- start, end, center, baseline, stretch e.g. align-items-lg-end

Padding Classes
Class Description
1rem 1rem = 14px.
.p-0 Padding will be 0px from all side.
.p-1 Padding will be 0.25rem from all side.
.p-2 Padding will be 0.5rem from all side.
.p-3 Padding will be 1rem from all side.
.p-4 Padding will be 1.5rem from all side.
.p-5 Padding will be 3rem from all side.
.p-*-* Responsive Classes p-*: * -- xl, lg, md, sm, xs p-*-*: * -- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e.g. p-lg-4
Margin Classes
Class Description
1rem 1rem = 14px.
.m-0 margin will be 0px from all side.
.m-1 margin will be 0.25rem from all side.
.m-2 margin will be 0.5rem from all side.
.m-3 margin will be 1rem from all side.
.m-4 margin will be 1.5rem from all side.
.m-5 margin will be 3rem from all side.
.m-*-* Responsive Classes m-*: * -- xl, lg, md, sm, xs m-*-*: * -- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e.g. m-lg-4

Vertical Align
Class Description
.align-baseline Element - vertical align text at baseline.
.align-top Element - vertical align text at top.
.align-middle Element - vertical align text at middle.
.align-bottom Element - vertical align text at bottom.
.align-text-top Element - vvertical align text at text top.
.align-text-bottom Element - vertical align text at text bottom.
Border Classes
Class Description
All side border
Border at top
Border at right
Border at bottom
Border at left
.border .border-primary border-* Primary, Secondary, info, warning, danger, success, light, dark Border Primary

Background Colors
Class Description
Image Radius
Class Description
.rounded user thumb
.rounded-top user thumb
.rounded-right user thumb
.rounded-bottom user thumb
.rounded-left user thumb
.rounded-circle user thumb
.rounded-0 user thumb
Class Description
.avatar user thumb
.avatar .avatar-xs, .avatar .avatar-sm, .avatar .avatar-md, .avatar .avatar-lg, .avatar .avatar-xl user thumb user thumb user thumb user thumb user thumb
Name .avatar
Name .avatar .avatar-xs, .avatar .avatar-sm, .avatar .avatar-md, .avatar .avatar-lg, .avatar .avatar-xl

Extra small devices Portrait phones (<576px) Small devices Landscape phones (≥576px - <768px) Medium devices Tablets (≥768px - <992px) Large devices Desktops (≥992px - <1200px) Extra large devices Desktops (≥1200px)
.d-xs-block .d-none visible hidden hidden hidden hidden
.d-sm-block .d-none visible visible hidden hidden hidden
.d-md-block .d-none visible visible visible hidden hidden
.d-lg-block .d-none visible visible visible visible hidden
.d-block visible visible visible visible visible